
Posts Tagged ‘diabe’

I was recently asked to discuss the topic about sugars impact on our body. But with summer in full swing and we are back in the swing of eating fruits and frozen treats, I think it’s important for us to talk about how sugar can affect our skin. This way, we can try to make sure that at the beginning of fall, our skin is glowing just as much as it was when we started summer.

First, let’s discuss the fact that not all sugars are created equal. When we talk about the sugar load found in foods like vegetables and fruits, we cannot forget all the nutritious vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients found in these foods that are good for our skin. These nutrients help to battle the negative effects of the sun rays. So, you should not refrain altogether from these, but rather consume them with moderation…especially if you have sugar regulation issues. If you do, you should keep fruit intake to about 1-2 small cups per day or every other day depending on severity of your sugar issues.

Now, let’s move onto those pesky sweets that plaque us in the form of apple pies, cakes, and ice cream during the summer months. With children out of school and everyone’s mentality is to relax and enjoy ourselves while basking in the glorious sunshine of summer months, you should still remember that all that processed sugar in these sweets and in processed starches like breads can have a negative impact on your skin’s ability to heal.

Excess sugar in our blood stream can glycate to cells which lead to hampered healing and higher propensity towards sun spots, inflammation, acne, and wrinkles. Your skin would appear duller and if you were to have sun damage to the skin, healing would not be as efficient as if you had been consuming plenty of anti-inflammatory nuts, legumes, healthy omega-3’s, vegetables, and water.

So, do your skin a favor this summer, enjoy frozen berries in moderation or fresh vegetables with plenty of water and slather on the sunscreen…this way, your skin will be glowing all the way until next summer.

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