
Posts Tagged ‘carbohydrates’

Many people seem to crave sugar when they are celebrating or when they are feeling low and sad. What is it about sugar that makes people want to run to it in droves and supports the multi-billion dollar industries that make sugar-loaded products?

Some of my patients think that it is from their childhood experiences that sugar provides a form of comfort and is a comfort food for them. Others think that it’s the brief jump in energy they get from eating sugar that makes them want to keep going back for more.

In actuality, all of these thoughts likely play into someone’s desire for sugar…but it is also true that once our body gets into the habit of eating a lot of processed sugar and sweets, we crave more and we become “addicted” to sugar.

So, is it so bad to want sugary foods if someone is not overweight or have chronic diseases?

In moderation and rarity, it is something that most people enjoy once in a while. But let’s not ‘sugar-coat’ the reality of sugary foods’ impact on our health…it is not beneficial.

Glycation of sugar to cells can lead to disruption of normal cellular functioning which may increase wrinkles, skin spots, inflammation of the skin, and acne. Beyond the effects on skin, glycation of excess sugar in the blood stream is disruptive to cellular metabolism and to organ functioning including that of nerves and increases inflammation even at the cellular level of our body.

When my patients talk about sweets, they only focus on things like cakes, candies, and chocolate…but processed sugar as it negatively affects our body comes in the form of excess breads, noodles, rice, and even fruits. Many of my patients to elevated fasting sugar levels in their blood work and/or elevated triglycerides are surprised to find that the source of their abnormal labs are from excess fruit in their diet.

Granted, fruit is much more nutritious than a piece of cake or processed cookies, but just keep in mind that you want to keep everything in moderation…and if you already have problems with processing sugar, it probably isn’t a good idea to eat a lot of fruit everyday either. Instead, you should focus on eating more vegetables to get your phytonutrients, vitamins, and minerals and keep your fruit intake to 1-2 small servings per day.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not trying to be the scrooge who takes away all sweet things in your life, but just remember that excess sugar in your blood stream means more inflammation and cellular damage…it would definitely not be the best thing to have in your diet if your goal is for anti-inflammation and healthy aging.

So, the next time you want to reach for something sweet, remember that there are healthier options like >70% dark chocolate and agave nectar in small dosages if you can handle moderation. If you can’t control your eating once you start, you may need to abstain from processed sugars altogether. In the long run, your body, health, and skin will all thank you for it!

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I know that most mornings we are all rushing out the door in a frenzy to try to get to work on time…but, what we sometimes forget is that the few extra minutes it takes to have a healthy wholesome breakfast might make all the difference as to whether you are able to have a productive day or if you will be dragging most of the day to get your work done.

I frequently remind my patients on the importance of a protein-rich healthy breakfast to help you get going for a full day of activities. It is crucial to remember that your body is a machine and just like you wouldn’t ask your car to drive cross country and then fill it with gas…similarly, you should not be asking your body to work hard and then feed it food after the fact.

A lot of people think that they end up saving calories if they avoid breakfast, but what they don’t realize is that you usually over eat later in the day because your body is starved and trying to overcompensate for starvation mode because it didn’t get the morning fuel.

If you start the day with a protein-rich diet like egg white omelet with vegetables, your body is less likely to crave sweets and your sugar load in your blood stream is more likely to be able to stay balanced throughout the day. This way, you are not starving and making poor dietary choices at lunch and dinner.  

If you think that making breakfast in the morning takes too much time, one trick I like to use sometimes is to buy a hard-boiled egg maker and use that every morning for egg whites. This way, you let the machine do the cooking while you get ready for work. Another option would be to make an extra lean turkey hash with a medley of vegetables sautéed together without potatoes over the weekend and you can heat that up for breakfast during the work days.

Many of my patients end up snacking on more calories than they otherwise would have consumed at breakfast because they are starving by 10AM or late in the afternoon. When you short-change your body of the nutrients it needs, it will want to crave and consume more quick energy later that won’t be so friendly to your waistline like sweet or salty snacks.

If you start the day with a more protein-rich meal, your blood sugar is more stable later in the day so that you don’t have sugar dips and you are more energetic with a better ability to pick healthier snack or meal choices. This type of breakfast also ensures that your metabolism will be humming efficiently and not shut down into starvation mode.

Most people who start with a healthy breakfast will have more energy to work out later in the day as well…and between your ability to control your cravings and the increased energy to put towards more effective work outs, your waist line will surely thank you this summer season for that healthy breakfast you took the time to eat in the morning.

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